Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Senior Finale

There isn’t very much advice to give except to be willing to talk about your personal goals. It seems like this class is something that brings out the things you haven’t been able to reach for. This class is a great way to vent and even seek advice. The blog post that was my favorite was the Riff On Opening Lines because it brought out my inner child. I never knew my imagination could stretch that far to create such a great child’s story. The one most valuable thing that I’ve learned from this class would have to be learning to love the internet. This class is all online and if you don’t have the slightest idea how the internet works you’re in for a great surprise.

Monday, May 6, 2013

A Fine Line

                                                          Best Things

1.       I have a funny but sarcastic humor

2.       Honest

3.       Driving

4.       Working fast but hardly working

5.       Personality

6.       Dancing

7.       Money

8.       Appropriate when I go out

9.       Gratitude; always willing to help anyone out.

10.   vehicle
                                                              Worst Things

11.   temper

12.   Brutally Honest

13.   Sarcasm

14.   Road rage

15.   Flustered

16.   Stressed

17.   Effort to get dressed in the morning in a decent amount of time

18.   Seriousness

19.   Work first

20.   Vehicle cleanliness

Thursday, May 2, 2013


During this class I have learned many things that I was not aware of before. This class really had me look deep within what I am as a person and also helped bring back old memories. An average person is always looking for new things to help better their lives and themselves as a person and there could be a list that goes on and on but the main thing I would want to work on the most would have to be my attitude towards people. I don’t have an attitude per say I just get so stressed out and let all my emotions bottle up inside to where I’m real short with people and I don’t want to put up with anyone or anything.  To be honest this assignment hasn't really helped me on my writing, it has just gotten me to write more and dig for better details to finish an assignment. It seems that all this class is therapy in a blog. Some of these assignments have been a little hard to endure because the blogs that we post are a little repetitive. Although, this class has helped me think more in depth of what my future plans and goals are going to be and where my life stands today. I had a strange childhood and growing up I have learned to block out my memories because there seemed to be nothing but bad to remember and these assignments have helped recover those memories that I have forgotten and let me share them with people so they can understand why I am the person I am today.
Impatient: Going through this assignment I've noticed that there are many times that I have mentioned how I have a short temper and I think this best describes me because I do have a small tolerance for irritating people but what irritates me doesn't usually affect an average person.
Extrovert: I can get along with just about anyone. I have never really been one to be in a said “clique” I have always been friends with everyone but there is always that time when I let my emotions get ahead of me and it can push people away but in the end if they were to be my true friends then they would understand and stick around and except for the apology that follows.
Caring: I have always been one to care more about another person and their needs then for myself .I care more about making another person happy even if it does not make me feel good at all. I have been treated so poorly several times throughout my life that I want the best for other people. It takes me a little to warm up so someone but once I do I’ll become a better friend then you could ever think of becoming for me. Not a day goes by that I am not used for someone’s own benefit but as long as they’re happy, I’m happy. 

Valuable Lessons

1.       Be careful with who you trust:

a.       Your friends are not always who you think they are they can be more of an enemy than a friend.

2.       Always drive behind the car speeding ahead of you:

a.       If you are in a hurry and you’re speeding down the road always drive be hind the car that is speeding as well because that car will be the first one on the police radar and that car will get pulled over and you get to drive on without a ticket.

3.       Always use Google maps for your GPS on your phone.

a.       I took a three hour drive to go to Iola Kansas for the first time by myself and never being out that way before I used my GPS on my phone. Well turns out that GPS wasn’t accurate so I missed my exit 3 times on the way up there and twice on my way back. I did so many illegal U-turns it on the highway it wasn’t even funny. Always, always have a good GPS system.

4.       Don’t be the “middle-man”:

a.       My parents have been divorced since I was six and I was always the “middle-man” for all my step siblings and that caused me a lot of stress keeping up with everyones secrets.

5.       Don’t pick sides, stick with your own opinion.

a.       Having a split family was hard because  my parents always wanted me to pick sides between them and they both had their own good points they were also wrong with some of their other opinions so I just learned to stick with my own and do what I thought was right and through the years now, I’ve realized that neither side was the right way to go.

6.       Not all advice is the best advice.

a.       Referring back to dumber 4 and always being the “middle-man” I was always asked for advice from my older and younger siblings. I would always try to give them my most honest and heartfelt advice to help them out but when the shoe was on the other foot I would usually end up getting into a lot of trouble.

7.       Always watch the side roads while driving:

a.       Even though you might be driving in the city or through town Mother Nature will always find a way to surprise you. Drive through Joplin from work a deer ran out of nowhere and just about hit my car. Now I always make sure I pay attention to ALL sides of the road.

8.       Don’t wait until the last minute:

a.       I have found that when I wait until the last minute to do things they usually get done really good but it is always such a huge amount of stress on me and that’s why I always try to get things done in a timely matter that way it gets done completely right and I don’t have to stress over it.

9.       Check the weather before you was your car:

a.       I live on two dirt roads so it’s hard to keep my white car clean from mud, dirt, and bugs but when I do end up cleaning my car I put a lot of time and effort into it. We’re talking the whole nine yards with hand washing it and polishing the wheels and waxing it down, everything. And then with just my luck, it always seems to rain the next day.

10.   Drive partially slow on back roads:

a.       I love driving down back roads because it gets out of traffic but it never fails that you seem to find the biggest pothole there is and blow a tire out..

Monday, April 22, 2013

Gone But Never Forgotten

Twenty years from now these are the qualities I want to remember about myself:

1.     I’m a hard worker and have always had a job.

2.     I’m good at managing my money

3.     I have and have always had very high responsibilities and expectations

4.     I’m a lot of fun when you get to know me but the real question is if I want you to know me. I tend to be very skeptical of people.

5.     I was told by my dad that maybe I shouldn’t get comfortable with people because I tend to let loose and cuss like a sailor.

6.     Rodeos are my thing but I don’t compete in them.

7.     School has always been easy for me and I’ve always had good grades.

8.     I have a tendency to get into an attitude to where I don’t care about anything and when I say “I don’t care” I really don’t.

9.     I am usually nice but I have a very short fuse so if you make me angry you will feel my wrath.

10.                        I have two types of “angry” and it really just depends on what you do to make me mad. The angrier I am and depending on who you are, I will be your worst nightmare. But usually if it just something small and I don’t know you too well I’ll just be real quiet and be hateful. When I’m that way I usually just want to be left alone before things get worse.

11.                        I have two mustangs. I’m not a big fan of them but I still drive them and people tend to think there cool, but I don’t care.

12.                        I get along with anyone and everyone, just don’t make me mad.

13.                        I tend to people watch. I picked this up from my mom.

14.                        At time I can be a little judgmental at first but it’s only because of how you present yourself. I will give you a chance to change my mind but if you screw it up I don’t want to waste my time with you.

15.                        Time is of the essence. I hate being late and wasting time, always have and I always will.

16.                        I love to go out and meet new people I can talk to just about anyone.

17.                        I hate horses. Absolutely hate them. It’s not that I’m scared it’s just you get tired of getting bucked off after a while and it makes you not want to be around them at all.

18.                        I’m very sarcastic. People like to say I’m brutally honest when all I do is speak what’s on my mind. But may that’s not a good idea..

19.                        Parents and adults love me. Every person I’ve dated whose parents have met me make me family.

20.                        I get along better with people who are older than me. Most of my friends are older than me because our maturity is on the same level.

Never Say Good-Bye

There comes a time in life where you just have to let something go no matter how dear to you it or they are. I really do not want to do this right now; I honestly do not want to do it ever. It is so hard to bring this out for I know that it will be the last time to say goodbye. There is so much I want to share with you whether it is physical experiences such as created a bucket list and checking things off one by one and living the dream or  just sitting with you and talking about all our childhood memories and our goals and what-ifs. Everything happens for a reason and for some godly reason our destiny crossed paths and it was meant to be. You were, are, and always will be my best good friend. Just thinking about things and how miserable it is going to be without you here makes me want to just cry but I know that even though after what is going on you would want me to not mope around but to help cheer everybody else up and keep good spirits. I was talking with my mom the other day about our odd humor. Nobody gets us but it was ok because we understood each other, what am I to do now after you are gone? Do you think heaven have visiting hours? If so you better make sure that I am written down every day until it is my turn to venture up there. You just wait, we will drive everyone so nuts up there that they will more than likely kick us out of heaven and send us back to earth through reincarnation as a slug or something.  You will always be in my heart. Every time I see a piece of copy paper I think of you. Remember that time we covered my mom’s entire kitchen with copy paper and then took markers and drew all over it at like 5 in the morning? That was crazy. We were so scared my mom would get mad so we disposed of the evidence but we still have some pictures to remember it by. One thing that I will never forget was that song you wrote for me. It is so near and dear to my heart.

“All the stars,

They never work!

Bumping cars

Pumping gas

Bum bum bum.”

That, my friend, is pure poetry. Our friendship goes together like Nutella and Bananas; Tacos and Ketchup; Oreos and Peanut butter. The point is, we’re so different and you can’t really see us being friends but when we’re put together we are just amazing. I know that this is long and sappy but there is so much I want to talk with you about before you go and you probably don’t want to hear it but I just want to tell you now so you can hear for yourself that I love you best good friend you will always be my Starshine just as long as I’m always your moonbeam. It’s hard for me to say good bye because Shelby was my best friend. We had such a weird humor that nobody understood but we didn’t care. There was never a time that we weren’t together and laughing. We both have one of those laughs that are loud and obnoxious because we were just that awesome.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

In Other Words

1.      “You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality."

- Ayn Rand (1905-1982)


2.      “It is a curious subject of observation and inquiry, whether hatred and love be not the same thing at bottom. Each, in its utmost development, supposes a high degree of intimacy and heart-knowledge; each renders one individual dependent for the food of his affections and spiritual life upon another; each leaves the passionate lover, or the no less passionate hater, forlorn and desolate by the withdrawal of his object.”
Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter

3.      “She wanted—what some people want throughout life—a grief that should deeply touch her, and thus humanize and make her capable of sympathy.”
Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter